Monday, November 15, 2010

A Brave New Internet

Lately I been contemplating the use of the internet in the field of education. I have been wondering about the power of the internet: is it helpful or hurtful?

As I attempt to have my student collaborate with each other over the internet, I am finding more and more willingness to work with each other; however, not without a price. I notice that the students are more inclined to share their work with each other through the internet, but less likely to share their work in person. I am beginning to realize that the internet is comparable to a "protective shield" for my students. My students are not afraid to critique each other via the internet because they don't see it as real critiquing, and, the more and more I work with activities like this, the more and more I agree with them!

The students like using the internet because their is a invisible, wireless cape: the internet. The kids feel like they are invincible. They can say anything without consequence. Sometimes, I think everybody can be like this. As I surf my various websites, I notice that people can be mighty brave when typing on a computer. I can't help but think about all of the horrific cyber-bullying that has been going on, and see these things in each one of those cases.

Noticing all of this is one thing, changing it is what's truly important. As educators we need to be teaching the importance of the "reality" of the internet. It is easy to feel safe behind a computer screen, in the comfort of your own home; our students need to learn how powerful their words can be.

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